
“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.” Bo Bennett.


Our visualizations were powered by Tableau to give an in-depth analysis, focusing on factors that were identified as having the biggest impact on life expectancy from the Machine Learning Models. We have also conducted overall country, region and gender analysis for life expectancy to give more insights for economists, policy makers, governments and world leaders to easily access the information to make more informed decisions for the overall wellbeing of their people.

D3.js / Plotly

We wanted to showcase a holistic approach to our learning. Therefore, we decided to employ the use of both Plotly and D3 libraries to create maps and charts, helping us visualise the data better.

Life Expectancy vs. Unemployment %

Using the D3 library, we have also created a bubble chart, showcasing life expectancy against a regions’ unemployment rate.



This app will apply Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBM) Machine Learning Model to estimate the life expectancy based on our 19 key indicators, during the period of 1999-2019.

Each indicator can be selected using the slider bar as test data for machine learning to predict the most accurate result of chosen country's life expectancy against the World Bank Open Data collected across the world. This app assists with the decision-making process to determine the most important factors for countries to increase their life expectancy and what is their primary focus to make a change.

Texting Beta version.
In built and deploy in Streamlit.

This powerful forecasting tool is designed to estimate life expectancy for economists, policymakers and governments who aim to improve the wellbeing of their citizens.

Each indicator can be selected using the slider bar as test data for machine learning to predict the most accurate result of chosen country's life expectancy against the World Bank Open Data collected across the world. This app assists with the decision-making process to determine the most important factors for countries to increase their life expectancy and what is their primary focus to make a change

Give it a go and see if the result surprises you!

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people behing the code!